Thursday, 9 October 2014

Digital Footprints

A digital dossier is another word for your digital footprint. Your digital dossier starts before you even realise, before you are born it begins with your mother's first ultrasound.  the first time the doctor scans and your mother sees you for the first time is when it starts. Then it grows when your mother tells people about it through texts and emails or even sends on the picture to family and friends. Then it might be printed and even framed, it will also be kept in your file in the hospital. Every scan is kept in your file in the hospital, then when you are born the barcoded bracelet you wear contains information about you that adds to your digital dossier.
From the day you are born pictures are sent to friends and family using text message or email, texts messages are sent out to let everyone know you are healthy these also add to your digital footprint. Your digital dossier grows as you grow, when you get old enough to join sites like club penguin and moshi monsters then when you grow into a teenager you join sites like facebook, instagram, twitter and snapchat all of these sites and what you do on them is part of your digital footprint, even this blog will be a part of mine. Pictures that you look up for homework and research you do on google is kept too. We aren't even really aware that we are doing it, that we are leaving a footprint online for ourselves. Every day you add to your digital dossier. Joining sites, giving your birthday, buying something on line and giving your credit card details, sharing photos and videos on instagram and facebook without thinking much of it.
As i get older my digital dossier will grow with me when I have too give credit card details to  buy something on line or even when your banking online, it is always growing and I wasn't even aware of it until today. Are you aware of your digital dossier??


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