Thursday, 12 February 2015

Briery Gap Dramaaa

On Tuesday we went to Mullingar Arts Center to take part in a Briery Gap Drama Competition. We have been preparing these dramas since the beginning of the year, our class was split into 4 different groups and each group wrote a script for their play and thought of a story. It took a few weeks to decide on a story and to write the script, after we decided we put people into characters, at the start I was one of the main characters but on the day we had to perform the play i was sick and couldn't come in so Aoife took my part in the play and I think it worked out for the better in the end, I became the director. We worked really hard  on our play and put loads of effort into making it as good as we could, the time flew by and before we knew it the competition was here. 
We came into school on Tuesday in our tracksuits and all the actors brought in their costumes and we got the bus from the school to Mullingar. When we got there we went downstairs to the dressing rooms and everyone started to do their makeup and get ready. When everyone was ready we followed them out to the stage and we talked to the sound guy and then we sta down and waited for the plays to start. We got to watch all the plays, when it came to our play I went up to the sound room with Amy and gave the man our cd with our sound on it and we told him what to do with the lights and sounds, when it was over everyone was really relieved because it went really well, the judge gave us feedback in the green room and then we went to McDonalds and got to watch the rest of the plays! It was a great day out!

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